πŸ¦‰ Feeney's Humble Wealth Wisdom

Chuck Feeney gave away $8B quietly, focusing on impact over flash. Can you build a portfolio that aligns with your values, not just impresses others?

Hi there… Today, we're diving into a treasure trove of insights. We'll explore Chuck Feeney's quiet philanthropy, peek behind Broadcom's AI curtain, learn the art of adaptive investing, and uncover TSMC's silicon supremacy. Buckle up for a journey that'll challenge your thinking and, hopefully, fatten your wallet!

β€” Jeff

Wisdom of the Day


Be nicer and less flashy. No one is impressed with your possessions as much as you are.

Morgan Housel

Chuck Feeney's story stands out like a beacon of humility and purpose. This quiet billionaire, who wore a $15 watch and flew coach, revolutionized philanthropy with his "Giving While Living" philosophy.

Feeney's approach was like planting a forest instead of building a monument. He gave away $8 billion over four decades, all while maintaining a low profile. His investment strategy wasn't about maximizing personal wealth, but about investing in causes and people who could make a real difference.

Feeney's story offers a powerful lesson for investors. Focus on substance over flash. Look for businesses that create real value, not just hype. Build a portfolio that aligns with your values and long-term goals, not one that will impress your neighbors.

Remember, true wealth isn't about what you own, but about the impact you can make. In investing, as in life, it's not about how much you have, but about what you do with what you have. β€” Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

Broadcom's AI Boom: The Hidden Risks of Riding the Wave

Broadcom's latest earnings report shines like a beacon of AI-driven success. With a projected $12 billion in AI-related sales for fiscal 2024 and a stock up 75% over the past year, it seems Broadcom has struck gold in the AI rush. But let's flip this shiny coin and examine the other side.

First, consider the concentration risk. A $12 billion bet on AI sounds impressive, but what if the AI boom cools? Broadcom might find itself overexposed to a fickle market. And let's not overlook that $1.88 billion net loss this quarter, hidden behind the AI fanfare.

Then there's the customer conundrum. Reliance on key players like Google is a double-edged sword. It's great when it works, but it's a house of cards if these giants sneeze.

The VMware acquisition adds another layer of complexity. Integrating a software company into a hardware-focused business? That's like trying to teach a cat to bark.

Lastly, there's the risk of tunnel vision. In the rush for AI dominance, is Broadcom neglecting other important segments?

Remember, in tech, today's golden goose can quickly become tomorrow's turkey. Broadcom's AI success is impressive, but in investing, it's often what you don't see that matters most.


In the ever-changing world of investing, where market conditions shift faster than a chameleon's colors, adaptability isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a must-have. You might think finding the perfect investment strategy is the key to success, but here's a secret: there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach that works forever.

Think of adaptive investing like learning to dance. You wouldn't use the same moves for a waltz and a tango, would you? Similarly, successful investing requires the flexibility to change your steps as the market's tune changes.

This doesn't mean chasing every market trend or reacting to every news headline. It's about developing a framework that allows for thoughtful adjustments when the investment landscape shifts significantly. It's about learning from each decision, using feedback loops, and overcoming our own cognitive biases.

Remember, the goal isn't to predict the future – it's to prepare for a range of possible outcomes. By embracing adaptability, you're not just aiming to survive market turbulence; you're positioning yourself to thrive in it.


TSMC, the world's largest dedicated semiconductor foundry, stands as a titan in the global tech ecosystem, its position more critical than ever as AI drives unprecedented demand for advanced chips. The company's unparalleled technological leadership and manufacturing prowess form the bedrock of its economic moat, with its 3nm process technology already accounting for 15% of wafer revenue in Q2 2024.

TSMC's competitive advantage extends beyond technology. Its scale enables massive R&D investments, creating a virtuous cycle that reinforces its market position. Deep, long-standing partnerships with industry leaders like Apple and Nvidia add another layer of defensibility.

However, TSMC faces challenges. Geopolitical tensions due to its Taiwan concentration pose risks, prompting global expansion efforts. The cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry and intensifying competition from Samsung and Intel also warrant attention.

Despite trading at a slight premium to its estimated intrinsic value, TSMC's long-term growth prospects remain compelling. Well-positioned to capitalize on AI, 5G, and automotive semiconductor trends, TSMC represents a unique opportunity to invest in the foundational infrastructure of the digital revolution.

For long-term investors, TSMC offers a rare combination of market leadership, technological prowess, and strategic foresight, making it a cornerstone investment in the global technology landscape.

Always Invert

How can TSMC maintain its leadership in the semiconductor industry?

Ask this:

What actions could lead TSMC to lose its dominance and suffer a major setback?

1. Neglect investment in cutting-edge manufacturing technology.

2. Overdependence on a single major client or region.

3. Failure to diversify into emerging chip markets.

4. What else?

Ask Yourself:

1. Are they continuously investing in new technologies?

2. Is their client base diversified across industries?

3. Are they entering emerging and high-growth chip markets?


πŸ“š Book: Chip War by Chris Miller

Dive into the world of semiconductors with this eye-opening read. It's like a geopolitical thriller, but it's all true! Learn how microchips are shaping global power dynamics and why they're crucial for investors to understand in today's tech-driven market.

πŸ“° Read: Why Can't the U.S. Build Ships?

Explore this intriguing article on America's shipbuilding challenges. It's a fascinating look at industrial capacity that could impact defense stocks. Consider how such infrastructure issues might affect your investment strategy in manufacturing and defense sectors.

πŸŽ₯ Video: Secret Billionaire: Chuck Feeney

Watch this inspiring documentary about a billionaire who gave it all away. It's a masterclass in purposeful wealth and philanthropy. Reflect on how Feeney's approach might influence your own investment philosophy and goals.

πŸŽ“ Course: Fundamentals of Semiconductors

Boost your tech knowledge with this electronics starter course. Understanding semiconductors is like learning the ABCs of modern investing. With AI and IoT booming, this knowledge could give you an edge in tech stock analysis.

πŸ”§ Tools: Yahoo Finance Portfolio Tracker

Simplify your dividend tracking with Yahoo Finance's portfolio tool. It's like having a personal dividend assistant. Stay on top of your income-generating investments and spot trends in dividend-paying stocks with ease.

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

πŸ‘€ In Case You Missed It



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