๐Ÿฆ‰ Sleep-Rich, Grow-Rich Strategy

From "Bogle's Folly" to $7 trillion in assets. How did one man's conservative approach change investing forever? Discover the power of slow, steady growth.

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Hi thereโ€ฆ Today, we're exploring how Bogle's conservative approach revolutionized investing, flipping the script on job market weakness, and channeling Marie Curie's radiant legacy. Grab your financial calculators, economic microscopes, and a dash of scientific curiosity โ€“ we're in for an illuminating ride!

โ€” Jeff

Wisdom of the Day


Conservative investors sleep well.

Philip Fisher

One man's conservative approach not only allowed him to sleep soundly at night but also revolutionized the investment industry. That man was John Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group.

It's 1974, and Bogle launches Vanguard with a radical idea - create low-cost index funds that simply track the market rather than trying to beat it. Critics called it "Bogle's Folly," but our man John stuck to his guns like a barnacle to a ship's hull.

Fast forward to today, and Vanguard manages over $7 trillion in assets. That's not just growth; that's a financial redwood sprouting from a conservative acorn. Bogle's approach was like planting an oak tree instead of gambling on fast-growing but fragile saplings. While others were chasing the next hot stock, Bogle was content to grow slowly but steadily.

The lesson? Sometimes, the most revolutionary act is to be conservative. By focusing on what he could control - costs and diversification - rather than trying to predict the unpredictable, Bogle created an investing philosophy that lets you sleep like a baby, even in the midst of a market storm. Now that's what I call a good night's investment!โ€” Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

Celebrating the Hidden Strength in Job Market Weakness

In a twist that's got economists scratching their heads faster than you can say "statistical error," the Labor Department has suggested we may have overestimated job growth by a whopping 818,000 jobs over a 12-month period. But before we all start singing the economic blues, let's flip this jobs report upside down and see what falls out of its pockets.

What if this apparent weakness is actually a sign of underlying strength? Consider this: an economy that can absorb such a significant statistical adjustment without falling into recession is like a heavyweight boxer taking a punch and barely flinching. It's not about the hit; it's about the ability to stay standing.

Moreover, this revision offers a golden opportunity for investors. While others panic at the headline numbers, savvy folks will recognize that this recalibration could lead to a more dovish Fed policy. It's like finding out the tough exam you've been dreading might be graded on a curve.

Remember, in the world of economics, sometimes what looks like a stumble is actually a step towards more sustainable growth. So next time you see a jobs report that seems to miss the mark, ask yourself: Is this a setback, or a setup for something better? After all, in the grand economic circus, sometimes the most impressive act is the one where we learn to juggle our expectations.


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Marie Curie, the Polish-born physicist and chemist who not only revolutionized our understanding of radioactivity but also shattered the glass ceiling in academia. Her story is like a radioactive element itself - powerful, transformative, and with a half-life that extends far beyond her own lifetime.

A young woman from Russian-occupied Poland, armed with nothing but an insatiable curiosity and a work ethic that would make a honeybee look lazy, arrives in Paris and proceeds to turn the scientific world on its head. Curie's discoveries of polonium and radium weren't just additions to the periodic table; they were fundamental shifts in our understanding of matter itself.

Curie wasn't just breaking atoms, she was breaking barriers. As the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (and in two fields, no less!), she proved that genius knows no gender. Her life reminds us that in science, as in life, the most powerful catalyst for change is often the courage to question the status quo.

So, next time you're facing a challenge that seems insurmountable, channel your inner Marie Curie. Remember, sometimes the most revolutionary act is simply refusing to accept the limitations others place on you. After all, in the grand experiment of life, we're all radioactive elements, capable of transforming the world around us.


๐Ÿ“š Book: Principles by Ray Dalio

Want to think like a hedge fund legend? Dive into Ray Dalio's "Principles"! It's like getting a backstage pass to one of the most successful investment firms in history. With recent market volatility, Dalio's insights on "radical truth" and "radical transparency" are more relevant than ever. As The New York Times notes, it's both instructive and surprisingly moving.

๐ŸŽฅ Video: Cash Flow Estimation by Aswath Damodaran

Want to value companies like a pro? Watch Aswath Damodaran's YouTube video on estimating cash flows. It's like getting a master class from the "Dean of Valuation" himself! With recent economic uncertainties, understanding how to measure earnings and compute reinvestment is more crucial than ever.

๐ŸŽ“ Course: 5 Keys To Investing (Free)

Check out the free "5 Keys To Investing" course on Udemy. It's like having a seasoned investor as your personal coach! With recent market uncertainties, understanding core principles like the risk-reward tradeoff and the impacts of fear and greed is crucial.

๐Ÿ”ง Tools: Robinhood App

Try the Robinhood app! It's like having a stock market in your pocket. With recent retail investing trends, commission-free trading has never been more accessible. Plus, you can now earn 3% extra on retirement contributions with Robinhood Gold.

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

๐Ÿ‘€ In Case You Missed It



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