๐Ÿฆ‰ 9/11 Fears: Buffett's Windfall

Buffett turned 9/11 panic into profit by investing in Wells Fargo. Can you find hidden opportunities in times of crisis? Discover how to see beyond the fear!

Hi thereโ€ฆ Today, we're exploring Buffett's bold bets during war scares, Airbnb's chilly market as a cozy opportunity, and the power of framing in financial decisions. Let's dive into these insights and uncover the hidden gems in today's market landscape. Remember, sometimes the best opportunities come wrapped in unexpected packages!

โ€” Jeff

Wisdom of the Day


Don't be afraid of buying on a war scare.

Philip Fisher

In the aftermath of 9/11, when fear gripped the markets and most investors were running for cover, one man saw opportunity amidst the chaos. Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha. While others fretted, Buffett quietly increased Berkshire Hathaway's stake in Wells Fargo, seeing a well-run bank trading at a discount due to short-term fears.

Buffett understood that in times of crisis, people often overreact, creating opportunities for those with the courage to act. It's like being the only person buying umbrellas on a sunny day โ€“ you might look foolish at first, but you'll be glad when the rain comes.

This doesn't mean blindly buying stocks every time there's geopolitical tension. Instead, it's about developing the mental fortitude to see beyond the headlines and focus on fundamentals. Ask yourself: "Has this crisis really changed the long-term outlook for this business, or is this just a temporary setback?" Sometimes, the best investments are made when it feels like the worst time to invest. โ€” Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

Airbnb's Chill: Why Winter Might Be the Perfect Time to Check In

Airbnb has found itself out in the cold, with its share price dropping 25% in just six months. But before we all start packing our bags and heading for sunnier investment climates, let's flip this pillow to the cool side and look at things from a different angle.

First off, consider Airbnb's relative newness in the public market. While some see this as a weakness, it might actually be a strength. Without decades of baggage, Airbnb can pivot faster than a cat on a hot tin roof. Remember how quickly they adapted during the pandemic? That's the kind of flexibility that could be a secret weapon in uncertain times.

Now, let's talk about Wall Street's lukewarm response. Only a quarter of analysts rate Airbnb a "buy." But here's a thought: could this lack of enthusiasm be setting the stage for future outperformance? When expectations are low, it's a lot easier to impress.

And don't forget about Airbnb's untapped potential. For every Airbnb booking, nine people book a hotel room. That's not a limitation; it's an opportunity! If Airbnb can capture just a fraction of those hotel bookings, we're talking about some serious growth potential.

So, while others might be checking out of Airbnb stock, savvy investors might find that now is the perfect time to check in for an extended stay. After all, in investing, sometimes the coziest returns come from the most unexpected places.


A subtle yet powerful force often goes unnoticed: the framing effect. This psychological phenomenon, lurking beneath the surface of every investment prospectus and earnings report, has the potential to sway even the most seasoned investors.

Think of it like this: two companies report the same 2% profit increase. Company A says, "We've increased our profit margin by 2%," while Company B states, "We've reduced costs, resulting in a 2% improvement in profitability." Same numbers, different reactions. It's not just what you say, but how you say it.

This framing effect extends to risk perception too. A "90% chance of success" sounds a lot better than a "10% chance of failure," doesn't it? Yet they're mathematically identical.

For savvy investors, awareness of framing is crucial. It's like being able to see behind the curtain in a magic show. By recognizing how information is presented, you can look beyond the frame to the underlying data. Remember, in the theater of finance, it's not just the performance that matters, but how the stage is set.


In the ever-evolving landscape of footwear fashion, Crocs has emerged as an unlikely champion, transforming from a quirky niche product to a global powerhouse. This remarkable journey offers valuable lessons for the discerning value investor seeking companies with durable competitive advantages and long-term growth potential.

Crocs' economic moat is built on several interconnected pillars. At its core lies the company's proprietary Croslite material, a closed-cell resin that provides unparalleled comfort and durability. This unique material, combined with Crocs' distinctive designs, creates a product that is difficult for competitors to replicate without infringing on patents. The company's brand recognition, cultivated through strategic collaborations and effective marketing, further reinforces this moat, fostering customer loyalty and enabling premium pricing.

Crocs' operational efficiency is another key advantage. The company's lean manufacturing process and streamlined product lineup contribute to industry-leading gross margins, which reached an impressive 55.8% in 2023. This efficiency allows Crocs to maintain pricing power while investing in innovation and marketing.

However, potential risks loom on the horizon. The fashion-driven nature of the footwear industry exposes Crocs to changing consumer preferences. Additionally, the company's recent acquisition of HEYDUDE presents integration challenges and potential brand dilution risks.

Despite these concerns, Crocs' long-term growth prospects remain compelling. The company's international expansion efforts, particularly in Asia, offer significant runway for growth. Moreover, Crocs' digital-first strategy and direct-to-consumer focus position it well to capitalize on evolving retail trends.

At its current price of $146.17, Crocs appears undervalued compared to its intrinsic value of $168.17. This discrepancy, coupled with the company's strong competitive position and growth prospects, presents an intriguing opportunity for patient investors willing to look beyond short-term market fluctuations.

Always Invert

How can Crocs revolutionize the footwear industry and become the go-to brand for comfort?

Ask this:

What could make Crocs the most hated and uncomfortable shoe brand in the world?

1. Ignores customer complaints about quality.

2. Removes all arch support features.

3. What if Crocs uses irritating, non-breathable materials?

4. What else?

Ask Yourself:

Is Crocs currently making any of these critical mistakes?


๐Ÿ“š Book: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Dive into Daniel Kahneman's bestseller on how our minds work. It's like getting a user manual for your brain, especially useful for making better investment decisions. Learn how to tap into the benefits of slow thinking and guard against mental glitches.

๐ŸŽฅ Video: Buffett's $1M Investment Strategy

Watch Warren Buffett break down how he'd invest if starting with $1 million today. It's a masterclass in simplicity and focus. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned investors looking to refine their strategies.

๐ŸŽ“ Course: Invest Like the Best

Learn how to take control of your investing destiny with this course on effective stock picking strategies. It's like having a seasoned investor as your personal coach. Great for those looking to manage their own portfolios with confidence.

๐Ÿ”ง Tools: Tradingview.com

Keep your finger on the market's pulse with Tradingview.com. This tool offers powerful charting and analysis features, helping you make informed investment decisions. Ideal for both beginners and experienced traders.

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

๐Ÿ‘€ In Case You Missed It



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