🦉 Learn from Market Bubbles

Wondering how to avoid the next big market bust? Discover timeless lessons from past bubbles and how to protect your portfolio today. Ready to learn?

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Hi there… In today's newsletter, we delve into the lessons from past market bubbles, explore Intel's bold move to revitalize its innovation, examine the hidden biases that affect our investment decisions, and analyze Booking Holdings' strong foothold in the global travel industry.

— Jeff

Wisdom of the Day

Every time there's been a bubble in asset prices, people get hurt.

Ken Griffin

In the late '90s, the stock market was buzzing with the promise of the internet revolution. Companies added ".com" to their names and watched their valuations soar, sometimes without a solid business plan in sight. Remember Pets.com? It hit a $290 million valuation only to collapse within a year—an emblem of that era's irrational exuberance.

It's easy to see how smart investors got swept up. When your neighbor is doubling their money overnight, the lure of quick riches is hard to resist. But bubbles have a way of bursting, and when the dotcom bubble did, it left many holding worthless stocks and empty dreams.

So, what's the lesson here? If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Diversification isn't just a buzzword; it's your safety net in volatile times. And never invest more than you can afford to lose, because even the brightest stars can fade fast.

Before you chase the next hot trend, think back to the Pets.com sock puppet. It's a humorous reminder that in investing, preserving your shirt is just as important as making a fortune. After all, steady wisdom often outlasts fleeting hype. — Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

Intel's Hidden Edge

Intel's recent challenges have many predicting its decline amid stiff competition. But perhaps we're overlooking a strategic pivot. What if Intel's decision to split its design and manufacturing isn't a sign of defeat but a bold move to rekindle innovation?

For years, Intel's integrated model of designing and manufacturing its chips was a strength. However, the immense costs of maintaining cutting-edge manufacturing facilities have strained resources, diverting attention from chip design—the company's core strength.

By separating these divisions, Intel can shed the heavy burdens of manufacturing and focus on innovation. This could make the company more agile, responding swiftly to market demands without manufacturing overhead. It also opens opportunities to partner with specialized manufacturers, accessing advanced technologies without massive capital outlays.

Viewed inversely, this isn't retreat but strategic advancement. Focusing on design positions Intel to delve deeper into areas like artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. Financially, a leaner operation could boost profitability and attract investors.

Challenges exist, such as managing new partnerships and cultural shifts, but they're surmountable. This move could alleviate industry bottlenecks and set an example of adaptability in the tech industry.

In essence, Intel's split isn't about dividing the company but uniting its focus on leading chip innovation. Instead of dismissing Intel, perhaps we should watch how this strategic shift might reshape the semiconductor landscape. It just might surprise us all.

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In investing, our emotions often influence us more than we realize. Regret, in particular, can cause us to hold onto losing stocks longer than we should.

Regret aversion is our tendency to avoid actions that might lead to future remorse. We hesitate to sell a declining stock, fearing it might rebound after we let it go. This keeps us tied to poor investments, missing out on better opportunities.

We're more troubled by losses than we are delighted by gains. Holding onto "paper losses" may feel safer, but it ties up our money and can lead to bigger setbacks. Recognizing this bias is crucial for making smarter decisions.

To overcome regret aversion, view losses as lessons rather than failures. Set clear rules for when to sell, and focus on the overall health of your portfolio. By understanding and managing these emotions, you can make more rational choices and steer your investments toward long-term success.


Booking Holdings stands out in the online travel industry due to its expansive global network and strategic focus. With brands like Booking.com, Priceline, Agoda, Kayak, and OpenTable, the company connects millions of travelers with a vast array of services worldwide. This extensive reach isn't just about size; it's about leveraging powerful network effects. As more travel providers join Booking's platform, it becomes increasingly attractive to travelers seeking diverse options. This self-reinforcing cycle creates high barriers to entry for competitors and solidifies Booking's market position.

A key differentiator for Booking is its use of data analytics. By analyzing consumer preferences, seasonal trends, and pricing dynamics, the company offers personalized recommendations and seamless booking experiences. This data-driven approach enhances customer loyalty and repeat business. Additionally, Booking's ability to adapt to regional markets by customizing its platforms for local needs has deepened its penetration in emerging markets with high growth potential.

Despite intense competition from companies like Expedia and Airbnb, Booking's strong brand portfolio and adaptability provide a durable economic moat. However, it faces risks such as regulatory challenges and the impact of global events like pandemics. The company must navigate these carefully to maintain profitability.

Looking forward, Booking is well-positioned to capitalize on the digitization of travel planning and the rebound of international travel. Investments in mobile technology, user experience enhancements, and innovations like artificial intelligence are likely to drive further engagement. Strategic partnerships and acquisitions continue to bolster its market position.

In summary, Booking Holdings' combination of a robust global network, data-driven personalization, and regional adaptability underpins its competitive advantage. While challenges exist, the company's strategic focus and operational excellence position it favorably for sustained long-term growth in the global travel industry.

Always Invert

How can Booking enhance its platform to drive sustainable growth and customer satisfaction?

Ask this:

What missteps could Booking take that would lead to losing customers and damaging its reputation?

1. Neglecting customer service and support quality.

2. Engaging in misleading or hidden pricing practices.

3. Ignoring user data privacy and security measures.

4. What else?

Ask Yourself:

1. Are they providing excellent customer support?

2. Is their pricing transparent and fair to users?

3. Are they adequately protecting customer data?


📚 Book: Boom and Bust

Curious about why markets soar and tumble? Pick up William Quinn's "Boom and Bust" to explore the history of financial bubbles. It's a fascinating read that can offer valuable lessons for today's investing climate.

📰 Read: Preparing for Economic Shifts

Check out "The World Economy is About to be Wiped Out by a Black Swan." It's an insightful article that sheds light on potential global economic challenges and how you might navigate them.

🎥 Video: Buffett's 1985 Interview

Spend some time with Warren Buffett's first television interview from 1985. It's a treasure trove of timeless wisdom straight from the source, offering perspectives that are just as relevant today.

🎓 Course: Oxford's Master Diploma in Economics

Thinking about deepening your understanding of economics? The Oxford Master Diploma covers everything from micro to macroeconomics. Investing in knowledge pays the best interest.

🔧 Tools: Explore Finviz.com

Looking for a handy tool to analyze stocks? Finviz.com provides a wealth of data to help you make informed investment decisions. It's like having a research assistant available around the clock.

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

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