🦉 Janitor's $8 Million Secret

A modest janitor built an $8M fortune through frugal living and consistent investing. Can you adopt his wealth-building behaviors? Discover the power of patience!

Hi there… Today, we're diving into a treasure trove of financial wisdom. We'll explore a janitor's $8 million secret, unravel the stock market's political paradox, unmask the invisible anchor in our decision-making, and dissect Visa's digital dominance. Buckle up for a journey that might just change how you think about money!

— Jeff

Wisdom of the Day

Doing well with money has a little to do with how smart you are and a lot to do with how you behave.

Morgan Housel

The story of Ronald Read stands out as a beacon of simplicity and wisdom. This unassuming janitor, who never earned more than a modest salary, left behind an $8 million fortune when he passed away in 2014.

Read's secret wasn't a high IQ or insider knowledge. It was his behavior: living frugally, investing consistently in blue-chip stocks, and holding them for decades. He didn't try to grow a forest overnight; he planted one sturdy seed and gave it time to grow into a mighty oak.

This janitor's tale reminds us that successful investing isn't about being the smartest person in the room. It's about making smart choices consistently over a long period. You don't need a fancy degree to build wealth. What you need is the right behavior: living below your means, investing regularly, and having the patience to let compound interest work its magic.

Remember, in investing, it's not the hare who wins, but the tortoise. Slow and steady really does win the race. — Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

The Stock Market's Political Paradox: When Winning Parties Lose Investors

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, investors are once again trying to divine how the stock market might react to a Democratic or Republican victory. The conventional wisdom suggests that Democratic administrations have been better for overall stock returns. But let's flip this script and look at the electoral-market relationship through an inverted lens.

While the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen at an annualized rate of 8.2% under Democratic presidents compared to 3.2% under Republicans since 1901, what if this apparent success is actually masking deeper economic vulnerabilities? Higher stock market returns don't necessarily equate to a healthier economy. They could be indicative of policies that favor short-term gains over long-term stability.

Consider this: The lower overall returns under Republican administrations might actually be hiding some positive economic fundamentals. A focus on defensive sectors suggests a more stable, if less explosive, economic environment.

What if the very act of trying to predict and position for election outcomes is itself detrimental to investor returns? Remember 2016, when small-cap value stocks rallied after Trump's win, only to become the worst-performing sector in 2017?

In the end, perhaps the most prudent approach isn't to make sweeping portfolio changes based on expected election outcomes, but to build a diversified, resilient portfolio that can weather any political storm. After all, in investing, as in politics, things are rarely as simple as they seem.


A silent influencer often goes unnoticed: the anchoring effect. This psychological phenomenon subtly shapes investors' decisions, often leading them astray from rational analysis. It's like an invisible anchor, tethering our judgments to the first piece of information we receive.

When you see a stock's 52-week high or low, it's hard not to use that as a reference point. A stock near its low might seem like a bargain, regardless of the company's actual prospects. It's like judging a book solely by its previous bestseller status, ignoring whether the story inside has changed.

So, how do you guard against this mental trap? Try seeking out multiple perspectives on a stock's value. It's like asking different friends for restaurant recommendations instead of just relying on the first review you read.

Focus on absolute valuation methods rather than relative comparisons. And remember, awareness is half the battle. By recognizing when you might be anchored, you're already on your way to clearer investment thinking.


Visa stands as a titan in the digital payments landscape, its network serving as the backbone for billions of transactions worldwide. The company's economic moat is built on an unparalleled network effect, with over 4 billion cards and 100 million merchant locations creating a self-reinforcing ecosystem. This scale, combined with brand trust and technological infrastructure, forms a formidable barrier to entry.

Visa's financial metrics are impressive, with operating margins consistently above 60%, reflecting strong pricing power and operational efficiency. However, the company faces challenges from fintech disruption, regulatory scrutiny, and competition from tech giants entering the payments space.

Despite these risks, Visa's growth prospects remain compelling. The global shift from cash to digital payments, especially in emerging markets, provides substantial runway. Recent initiatives in B2B payments, contactless technology, and value-added services demonstrate the company's commitment to innovation.

While trading at a premium to its estimated intrinsic value, Visa's strong competitive position and growth potential make it an attractive consideration for long-term investors. As the world moves towards a cashless future, Visa's role as a key enabler of digital transactions positions it as a cornerstone of the global financial system.

Always Invert

How can Visa strengthen its global payment network dominance and increase transaction volume?

Ask this:

How could Visa render its payment network obsolete and lose its competitive moat in the rapidly evolving fintech landscape?

1. Overlook security vulnerabilities in its payment system.

2. Fail to adapt to evolving consumer payment preferences.

3. What else?

Ask Yourself:

1. Are they addressing emerging security threats effectively?

2. Are they evolving with consumer payment habits and trends?


📚 Book: Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Dive into the art of doing less but better. It's like decluttering your investment strategy. Learn to focus on what truly matters in your portfolio, just as you would in life. Perfect for investors feeling overwhelmed by options.

📰 Read: Dividend Investor's $70K Portfolio

Explore a real-life example of living off dividends. It's like peeking into a neighbor's well-tended garden. Gain insights from a successful dividend investor's top 7 stocks and consider how they might fit into your own income strategy.

🎥 Video: Ron Read: The Millionaire Janitor

Watch the inspiring story of Ron Read's 60-year dividend investing journey. It's a masterclass in patience and compounding. Learn how staying within your circle of competence and holding for the long term can lead to remarkable wealth.

🎓 Course: Dividend Growth Investing

Master the art of dividend investing with this comprehensive course. It's like having a seasoned mentor guide you through the dividend landscape. Ideal for those looking to build a reliable income stream from their investments.

🔧 Tools: TradingView Pro

Enhance your technical analysis with TradingView Pro. It's like upgrading from a map to GPS for your market navigation. Stay ahead of trends and make more informed decisions with advanced charting and analysis tools.

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

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