🚨 Beware Market Darlings

WeWork's $47B bubble burst. Are you falling for the next overhyped stock? Learn why popularity doesn't equal profitability. Can you resist the hype?

Hi there… We'll explore the WeWork debacle, examine Starbucks' new CEO through an inverted lens, and delve into Ruth Bader Ginsburg's enduring legacy. Get ready for a thought-provoking journey that might just change how you view market darlings, corporate leadership, and the power of perseverance in shaping our world.

β€” Jeff

Wisdom of the Day


Be extra careful when buying into companies and industries that are the current darlings of the financial community.

Philip Fisher

WeWork rode the wave of tech-startup enthusiasm to a jaw-dropping $47 billion valuation in 2019. But when the hype bubble burst, it revealed a company losing money faster than a leaky faucet. It's like everyone at a party was drinking the same punch – it tasted great going down, but oh boy, was the hangover brutal.

This cautionary tale reminds us that popularity and profitability don't always go hand in hand. When an industry becomes "hot," valuations can get as inflated as a carnival balloon. So, next time you're eyeing the market's darling, remember WeWork and take a good, hard look at the fundamentals. Because in investing, sometimes the best decisions are the ones you don't make.β€” Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

Could Starbucks' New CEO Be Its Biggest Liability?

Starbucks has tapped Chipotle's Brian Niccol as its new CEO, complete with an eye-watering $85 million compensation package. But before we all start dancing the caffeine jig, let's flip this coffee cup upside down and examine the grounds left behind.

Could this lavish spending be a sign of desperation rather than strength? It's like paying $1,000 for a cup of coffee – sure, it might be good, but is it really 100 times better than a regular brew? Moreover, Niccol's success at Chipotle was built on simplicity and efficiency – a far cry from Starbucks' complex menu and emphasis on customization. What if his instinct to streamline operations ends up stripping away the very essence of what makes Starbucks unique?

Let's not forget the potential culture clash. Niccol will be running Starbucks from California, while the company's headquarters remain in Seattle. This geographical disconnect could lead to a schism between corporate leadership and the rest of the organization, potentially exacerbating already strained relationships with employees and unions.

In the world of corporate leadership, as in coffee, it's not just about the immediate jolt – it's about creating a blend that keeps customers coming back cup after cup, year after year. And sometimes, the most expensive bean doesn't always make the best brew. So, while Niccol's appointment might seem like a caffeine boost for Starbucks' stock price, it could potentially be a bitter brew for the company's long-term health. As we sip on this news, let's remember: in business, as in coffee, the proof is in the tasting.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s journey from a young lawyer facing gender discrimination to a Supreme Court Justice is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of dissent in a democratic society.

Ginsburg's legal philosophy was like a master chess player thinking several moves ahead. She cleverly illustrated the absurdity of gender-based laws to an all-male Supreme Court by taking on cases where men were denied benefits typically reserved for women. It was a strategy as brilliant as it was simple.

But Ginsburg's impact extends far beyond the courtroom. She became a cultural icon, inspiring generations to fight for equality. Her life serves as a powerful reminder that one person, armed with intellect, determination, and a commitment to justice, can indeed change the world.

As we face the challenges of the future, we would do well to remember Ginsburg's wisdom: "Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time." It's a lesson that applies not just to law, but to all aspects of life and society.


πŸ“š Book: "Chip War"

Want to understand the future of tech investing? Dive into "Chip War" by Chris Miller! It's like getting a front-row seat to the most critical technology battle of our time. With recent geopolitical tensions affecting semiconductor supply chains, Miller's insights on the industry's history and future are more relevant than ever.

πŸŽ₯ Video: Buffett on Small-Sum Investing

Want to invest like the Oracle of Omaha, even with a small bankroll? Watch the YouTube video of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger discussing small-sum investing from the 2001 Berkshire meeting. It's like getting a masterclass in focused investing! With recent interest in retail investing, their timeless wisdom on the advantages of working with less capital is pure gold.

πŸŽ“ Course: Semiconductor Manufacturing 101

Ready to get your hands dirty in the chip world? Check out the "Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing" course. It's like taking a guided tour of a high-tech chip factory! With the recent chip shortage making headlines, understanding how these tiny marvels are made could give you a real edge in tech investing.

πŸ”§ Tools: TradingView

Looking for a Swiss Army knife for investors? Try TradingView! It's like having a team of analysts at your fingertips. With recent market volatility, having access to real-time charts, technical indicators, and a community of traders is more valuable than ever. Create an account and start charting your way to smarter investments!

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

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