๐Ÿฆ‰ Ackman's $4B Learning Curve

Bill Ackman turned a $4B mistake into a masterclass in investing. Can you transform your failures into wisdom? Learn how to embrace mistakes and grow.

Hi thereโ€ฆ Today, we're diving into a feast of financial wisdom. We'll explore how Ackman turned a $4 billion blunder into a masterclass, uncover Europe's economic roadblocks, unmask the sneaky recency bias in our decisions, and check into Hilton's hospitality empire. Buckle up for insights that might just revolutionize your investment thinking!

โ€” Jeff

Wisdom of the Day


Experience is making mistakes and learning from them

Bill Ackman

Bill Ackman's $4 billion Valeant mistake stands out as a costly lesson in the dangers of falling in love with an investment thesis. The billionaire founder of Pershing Square Capital Management plunged headfirst into Valeant, accumulating a stake worth $3.2 billion, only to watch it crumble.

Think of it like a chef confidently adding an unfamiliar spice to his signature dish, only to ruin the entire meal. But here's where the real magic happens - in the aftermath of this colossal mistake, Ackman did something truly remarkable: he learned.

Instead of doubling down or making excuses, he admitted his mistake publicly, dissected what went wrong, and shared his learnings. It's like a boxer who, after a knockout, doesn't just get back in the ring but completely revamps his training regimen.

Remember, in investing, as in life, our greatest failures can become our greatest teachers - if we let them. So the next time you make an investment mistake, embrace it, learn from it, and let it make you a better investor. โ€” Jeff

The Inverted Lens

Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backwards. What happens if all our plans go wrong? Where don't we want to go, and how do you get there?

Charlie Munger

How to Keep Europe's Economy Stuck in Neutral

As Mario Draghi unveils his ambitious plan to rejuvenate Europe's economy, you might be tempted to cheer. But let's flip this script and consider a more intriguing question: If you wanted to keep Europe's economy stuck in neutral, what would you do?

First, let's keep that red tape firmly in place. After all, entrepreneurs thrive on simplicity, so why not give them a labyrinth of regulations to navigate? It's like setting up an obstacle course for business ideas - only the most determined will make it through.

Next, let's preserve our patchwork of bankruptcy laws. Nothing says "invest here" like the promise of years-long legal entanglements if things go south, right?

And don't forget the precautionary principle. By insisting on proving something is entirely safe before allowing it, we can effectively stifle innovation. It's like asking a child to prove they won't fall before teaching them to walk.

Of course, we should continue focusing on punishing successful companies (e.g. Google, Apple) rather than emulating them. After all, why learn from success when we can penalize it?

Now, you might think this strategy sounds counterproductive. But if the goal is to maintain the status quo and avoid real change, it's remarkably effective. The question is: Is this the Europe we want? Or is it time to shift gears and embrace the dynamism that could propel us forward?

Remember, in economics, as in life, sometimes the best way to move forward is to carefully examine what's holding us back.


Recency bias. This mental hiccup makes us put too much stock in recent events when trying to predict the future.

Think of recency bias as your brain's way of playing "What Have You Done for Me Lately?" with market information. It's like judging a baseball player's career based on his last few games, ignoring years of stats. In investing, this can lead to some pretty quirky behavior. You might get overly optimistic during a bull run or excessively gloomy during a downturn.

But here's the rub: markets are cyclical beasts, with ups and downs that play out over years, not days. Recency bias can make you lose sight of these bigger patterns, like focusing on a tree and missing the forest.

So, how do you guard against this mental trap? Start by zooming out. Look at longer-term data, not just recent trends. It's like stepping back from a painting to see the whole picture, not just the latest brushstroke. Remember, in investing, as in life, sometimes the best way to see clearly is to take a step back.


With a portfolio of 24 world-class brands spanning over 8,000 properties across 126 countries, Hilton's economic moat is built on a powerful brand portfolio and an asset-light business model.

The company's Honors loyalty program, boasting 195 million members, serves as a customer retention tool and data goldmine, creating a network effect that strengthens with each new member and property. Hilton's asset-light strategy allows for rapid scaling with minimal capital investment, while its technological prowess enhances guest experience and operational efficiency.

However, Hilton faces challenges including industry cyclicality, evolving traveler preferences, and regulatory risks. Despite these, the company's recent performance shows resilience, with Q2 2024 system-wide RevPAR growing 3.5% year-over-year and net unit growth of 6.2%.

Trading at a premium to its estimated intrinsic value, Hilton's valuation reflects its strong competitive position and growth potential. The company's expansion into new segments and focus on brand building, technological innovation, and strategic partnerships align well with long-term industry trends.

For investors seeking exposure to the global travel industry's recovery and long-term growth, Hilton offers a compelling opportunity, combining brand power, operational excellence, and strategic vision in a dynamic market.

Always Invert

How can Hilton enhance its global hotel brand and guest loyalty?

Ask this:

What could make Hilton lose guests and ruin its brand reputation?

1. Poor cleanliness and maintenance

2. Subpar customer service

3. Overprice rooms without adding extra value.

4. What else?

Ask Yourself:

Is Hilton consistently delivering on its brand promise of quality and hospitality?


๐Ÿ“š Book: Reagan: His Life and Legend by Max Boot

Dive into this definitive biography of America's 40th president. It's like getting a front-row seat to history. Learn how Reagan's leadership style and decision-making process shaped economic policies, offering insights for today's investors.

๐Ÿ“ฐ Read: Teaching During the Rise of AI

Explore the challenges of education in the AI era. It's a wake-up call about the changing landscape of information and skills. Consider how these shifts might impact future workforce trends and investment opportunities in education and AI sectors.

๐ŸŽฅ Video: Warren Buffett on U.S. Debt

Watch Buffett's take on how the U.S. can manage its debt. It's like getting a masterclass in macroeconomics from the Oracle of Omaha himself. Understand how national debt impacts various sectors and your investment strategy.

๐ŸŽ“ Course: A Mini Course on Time Management (Free)

Boost your productivity with this 7-step time management course. It's like giving your investment research a turbo boost. In today's fast-paced market, managing your time effectively can give you an edge in spotting opportunities.

๐Ÿ”ง Tools: TradingView.com

Enhance your technical analysis with this comprehensive charting platform. It's like having a high-tech telescope for the market galaxy. In today's data-driven investing world, tools like this can help you spot trends others might miss.

*A message from our sponsor.

Compounding Wisdom

๐Ÿ‘€ In Case You Missed It



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